Hold Me Tight™ Relationship Education Workshop

It’s no surprise that couples are having a tough time during the pandemic. Common complaints include: “we are in the same house all the time but barely see each other. We’re more alone than ever” or “we are fighting all the time - there’s no space to move!” or “all those issues we swept under the rug for years have come back full force due to all this stress.”

Couples tell us they want to feel less alone in their struggles. They want new tools and strategies to better communicate and manage conflict. And they want to have hope in their relationship again.

For these reasons we are offering an 8 session Relationship Education Workshop for couples. Cheaper than therapy, this format offers a way to build community, learn new skills, and structure intentional time together.

What: Relationship Education Workshop based around the empirically validated approach to couples work by Dr. Susan Johnson

Where: Zoom!

When: TBD

Why: To connect as a couple in deeper and more satisfying ways

How: Each session will be broken into 3 parts:

  • Psychoeducation: topic of the day is explored through presentation, video clips, and discussion

  • Breakout rooms for couples: each couple will have a chance to privately practice new skills and strategies. Facilitator will visit each couple to address questions/concerns and provide guidance around incorporating new material into practice

  • Final group discussion: couples will have a chance to discuss information in group format.

    ****Participation in discussions is optional. Some people like to share while others do not****

How Much: $50/session plus cost of book (Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love by Dr Susan Johnson)

Please give us a call to find out more. Take care of yourselves, my friends.